Study in Italy

Study in Italy

Didyou know that there are 15 Italian universities that are ranked in the 2010 QSWorld University Rankings? out of which, two are ranked in the Top 200 of theworld. Although Italy is known for its pasta, pizza and gelato, its highereducation system has certainly become worthy of mention in the past. Thiscountry's education structure is strictly evaluated by the Government to ensurethat the legal, budgetary and educational standards are met. There are fivesubjects which draw the attention of international students from all over the world.They are: health, humanities, sciences, social studies and technology. Withstate or private institutes, Italy has more than 50 universities for theaspiring applicants to choose from. Read the following section to gain insightsabout the top universities located in Italy.Top Italian Colleges And Universities
International Rankings
  • The University of Bologna is the highest ranked university in Italy. It also ranks as the 176th best university in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2010.
  • Sapienza University of Rome is the only other Italian university which is ranked at an impressive 190th rank, internationally.
Given below is a listof Italian Universities which are world famous:
  • University of Bologna
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMI)
  • Sapienza Università di Rome
  • Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
  • Marche Polytechnic University
  • University of L'Aquila
  • University of Calabria
  • University of Bari
List of UniversitiesIn Northern Italy
  • Bologna  - Castellanza - Ferrara - Firenze - European University Institute - Genova - Milano Bicocca - Milano Statale - Milano Bocconi - Milano Politecnico - Modena - Padova - Parma - Pisa - Pisa - Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa - Sant'Anna- Torino – Politecnico - Trieste - Trieste -  International School for Advanced Studies
List of UniversitiesIn Central Italy
  • Ancona - Perugia - University for Foreigners -  Roma - La Sapienza - Roma - Tor Vergata - Roma - Tre - Roma - Luiss - Roma - Pontifical University - Rome - St. John's University - Siena - University for Foreigners - Urbino - Viterbo - L'Aquila
List of UniversitiesIn Southern Italy
  • Bari - Catania - Catanzaro - Napoli Federico II

Study in Mexico

Study in Mexico

Mexicocan be called as a land of contrasts. The beauty of the country lies in itsbreathtaking landscape. From sandy beaches to snow-capped peaks and lush greenforest to undulating deserts, the country is blessed with everything that isexotic. Apart from tourism, education is also a major generator of revenue,especially in recent years as more and more students find that the educationsystem in Mexico is as per international standards, but not that expensive.Mexico is home to many prestigious institutes and universities where studentsfrom all over the world are enrolled. Providing quality education has becomethe USP of Mexican universities. 

Education in Mexico is controlled by the Secretariat of Public Education. Thereare both public and private universities. Private universities are run and fundedby private managements whereas public universities are funded by national or subnational authorities. These offernumerous courses both at the graduate and post-graduate level as well as forresearch studies. The universities never compromise on the quality of educationprovided to the students. The quality in these universities is not an accident.It is the result of a conscious and deliberate effort. The courses offered areregularly and diligently assessed and accredited by the National Council ofScience and Technology, which is the most important accreditation organizationin Mexico. The organization looks into the details of the structure of the 
course, infrastructure, service personal, services and studentprofile. A course that is accredited by the National Council of Science andTechnology is guaranteed to be on par with other international institutes. Assuch, Mexico can be one of the best options for students wishing to studyabroad. Many universities also provide scholarships for eligible studentsto support their financial requirements. In this category, you will findarticles that will provide you with end-to-end details of the top Mexicanuniversities.

Top Mexican Universities:
  • Universidad De Las Americas
  • Universidad Iberoamericana
  • Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM)
  • Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de Puebla
  • Universidad Popular de la Chontalpa
  • Universidad Veracruzana
  • Universidad Juarez del Estado de Durango
  • Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco
  • Westhill University
  • Endicott College

Study in Spain

Study in Spain

Fromthe Spanish paella to the traditional sangrias, from the fabulous fiestas tosiestas; Spain has been recognized as one of the top ten world destinations forinternational students. While you watch the bullfight in Pamplona and throw atomato in the Tomatina Tomato Festival near Valencia, you are likely to bereminded of the festival of colours, Holi, played in India. As you go hiking throughthe cool mountains or laze around on the famous beaches of the Mediterranean,you will realise that Spain is truly the place to be in! This country hasenormous diversity, effervescence and most importantly, it is brimming with life.For those of you seeking to broaden your horizons with an international study under your belt, Spain is thesolution. Not only is it relatively inexpensive but it also works by universitiesand a supportive government who has turned the country into a very popularstudy destination for students.
  • Although most postgraduate courses in Spain follow a different calendar, the programs usually have a two four-month period of coursework. The first period is from october to February and the second one is from February to June.
  • Exams are a common form of assessment in this part of the world. Some teachers use modular exams which are called 'ex'menes parciales'. In these, the students are tested on a specific part of the subject. The advantage is that once you have passed a modular exam, you never have to study that particular topic again. But unfortunately, if you fail then you have to retake the exam with the next batch of students in the following June or September test. Written tests are common here although some institutes like to test their students orally.
  • There are organised and extremely helpful International Relations office which are designed to help international students integrate. It is suggested to visit these offices if you encounter any difficulties.
The top universities inSpain are as follows:
  • Universitat de Barcelona
  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • University of Navarra
  • Universitat Pompeu Fabra
  • Universitat de Valencia
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Universidad Pontifica Comillas de Madrid
  • Universidad de Castillia-La-Mancha
  • Universidad de Malaga
  • Universidad de Murcia
  • Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona

Study in China

Top Universities in China

Witha large area extended over East Asia, China is a multinational entity thatpossesses the world's oldest civilization. Many ideologists and educationistshave originated from China because of the due importance given to education, since ancient times. The modern academic system that hasbeen set up, with the Government being a major investor, ensures that everyperson is blessed with their birth right to be literatelegally. China is known for its reputed universities and has customized optionsbased on goals and ambitions of the individual. When it comes to prioritizinginstitutions, there are a lot of factors that need to be considered beforeenrolling. Most programs offered by universities in China are directly relatedto employment such as law, medicine, science and industry. Compared to theeducation in America, Europe and other Asian countries, China is said to beless expensive. Thus, people from all over the world move here to completehigher education. The following sections aim to give you an idea about the bestrated universities. 

Best Ranking Universities in China
  • Beijing Normal University
  • Fudan University, Shanghai
  • Nanjing University, Nanjing
  • Peking University, Beijing
  • University of Science And Technology of China, Beijing
Chinese Colleges and Universities
  • Tsinghua University
  • Beijing University of Chemical Technology
  • Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
  • Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • North Jiao Tong University
  • Habei University of Technology
  • Northeast University

China, being dynamic and rich in culture, is sure to provide you with a lively environment in building your career and reaching your dreams.

Study in Germany

Top Universities in Germany

Germany, the land of geographical and historical varieties, is home to more than 300 higher education centers. German education, at all levels, is considered as one of the best places as it is based on a system that perfectly blends academic knowledge with progressive research. Usually, the study abroad programs are of two types: general and specialized. The general education enables international students to gain scientific and analytical skills based on their chosen area of study. After an intermediate course, students move on to a specific period of study that is more focused on a particular subject.
German Universities have always been rated as world-class. The fact that 7 German universities have come under the list of top 200 in the world stads testimony to quality of teaching and research. The German institute that have come under the Top 200 World University Rankings' are Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg, Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM), Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universitat-Munchen (LMU), Freie Universiatat Berlin and Universitat Freiburg.

Best Ranking Universities in Germany
  • Ruprecht-Karls-Universitat Heidelberg
  • Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM)
  • Ludwig-Maxmilians-Universitat-Munchen (LMU)
  • Freie Universiatat Berlin
  • Universitat Freiburg

German Colleges and Universities
  • Humboldt Universitat Munster
  • Universitat Regensburg
  • Universitat Zu Koln
  • Universitat Stuttgart

Germany offers a wide range of higher education and is Europe's most chosen destination for education. Irrespective of whether it is a specialized or a traditional university, every international student and achieve their dreams here!

Study in Ireland

Study in Ireland
Irelandis not only country that is noted for its beauty, but also a country that isknown for its education system. The education system of Ireland is based on thesolid foundation of commitment to excellence. Above all, Ireland is a friendlyEnglish speaking country that welcomes students from all over the world. Thecountry has a close educational connection with other English speakingcountries, especially the United States of America and the United Kingdom. Theuniversities of Ireland boast of an enriched campus life formed by an international student community. 
  • Be it management courses, scientific research, or humanities courses, Irish universities offer a vast range of programs to meet the academic needs of every student.
  • Leading global companies that require a skilled and exceptional workforce are located in Ireland. So, there always is a high possibility of getting absorbed into these companies after pursuing a degree in Ireland.
  • Students, who graduate from Irish universities, are innovators and experts in their fields and stand a good chance of getting recognized for their capabilities worldwide. Graduates from Ireland are also considered to be ambassadors for excellence all around the world.
University College of Dublin
University College Dublin is Ireland's education capital and is one of Europe's leading universities in terms of volume of research work done every year. The University offers an extensive range of undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. courses. In 1854, the University was established by John Henry Newman who is well known for his classic work "The Idea of a University is". Today the University of Ireland is the largest university in Ireland and welcomes students from all over the world.
Trinity College Dublin University of Dublin 
Trinity College Dublin, is not only one of the most famous universities of Ireland, but also ranks among the top universities of the world. The University has a vast course range carefully designed to meet every student's academic needs. At present, the University offers different programs for undergraduate, postgraduate, and Ph.D. students.
University College Cork
University College Cork is an institution of high repute. Since its inception, the University was committed to learning and teaching excellence, and it has maintained its reputation till date. The University runs various programs for undergraduate students, postgraduate students, international students, as well as some adult education programs. The University has a rich and vibrant community and campus life that attracts students from all corners of the world.

Dublin City University
Dublin City University is a young university situated on an 85 acre campus, only 15 kilometers away from the Dublin Airport. The University was founded to meet national requirements for a highly skilled workforce in the areas of science, engineering, communications, business, and languages. The University emerged with lot of innovative ideas, broke traditional moulds and came to be known as an "unconventional university." Today, the University is known worldwide for its academic excellence.

National University of Ireland
Established in 1845, the National University of Ireland is located in Galway and is considered to be one of Ireland's foremost centers of academic excellence. The University boasts of over 16,000 students and more than 2,200 faculty members. The University offers excellent research programs in the fields of arts, social sciences, medicine, law, engineering, and sciences.

Study in France

Study in France: World's 3rd largest host country for higher education

Higher education in France around the world for its excellent faculty and research. More than 15,000 students study abroad in France each year, and international students now make up 10 percent of the country's college student population.

The quality of French higher education is widely throughout the world. French institutions figure prominently in the Financial Times and Times Higher rankings. International students studying in various French universities benefit from the fact that France makes massive investments in education and research each year. In fact, education is the largest category of government spending, accounting for more than 20% of the budget.

Let us check out top reasons to study in France:
  1. The quality of French higher education is widely recognized throughout the world
  2. World's 3rd largest host country for higher education
  3. Offers part-time job opportunities for students
  4. Low fee than compared to the US, UK
  5. Internships opportunities with top companies
  6. Accommodation help up to 40% to 50% by government
  7. Low transportation expenses
  8. Free French language courses by government
  9. European Union Visa
  10. Work permit opportunities for international students after internships
How to apply at France University?
  • Collect photocopies of below mentioned documents and get it scanned:-
                   A) First and last page of passport
                   B) Resume/CV
                   C) All Academic documents 10th onwards
                   D) Credit certificate and degree certificate if any
                   E) School leaving certificate 
  • Forward these scanned documents to us and we will forward it to concerned college. Candidate will get interview respectively
  • Once candidate clears the interview, the college will dispatch the admission letter which will be issued to start with procedure of loan and visa
  • A candidate is required to show required money by the college to embassy. This money has to be six months old on candidate's bank account. The balance should include all liquid assets like cash, FD, other savings, LIC policy surrender value
  • If candidate is going for student loan, then the amount of loan sanction will also be the part of above balance
  • Third party sponsor are allowed for France
  • A candidate has to face two interviews, one will be at Campus France of the respective place and the other interview will be at France embassy

Universities in Australia

Universities in Australia
There are a total of39 universities in Australia, including 37 Public and 2 private universities.The following two are Private universities
  • Bond University, Wagga Wagga
  • University of Notre Dame
Note:Cranfield University (UK) and Carnegie Mellon University (USA) have started aBusiness Development office and a college respectively and hence did not comein the total list of Australian universities.
Universities in Australia
  • Charles Sturt University (CSU), Wagga Wagga
  • Macquarie University, Sydney
  • Southern Cross University (SCU), Lismore
  • University of New England (UNE), Armidale
  • University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney
  • University of Newcastle, Newcastle
  • University of Sydney, Sydney
  • University of Technology (UTS), Sydney
  • University of Western Sydney (UWS), Sydney
  • University of Wollongong, Wollongong 
  • Deakin University, Melbourne
  • LaTrobe University, Melbourne
  • Monash University, Melbourne
  • RMIT University (RMIT), Melbourne
  • Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne
  • University of Melbourne, Melbourne
  • University of Ballarat, Melbourne
  • Victoria University of Technology (VUT), Melbourne  
  • Bond University, Gold Coast
  • Griffith University, Brisbane
  • James Cook University (JCU), Townsville, (Cairns, Brisbane)
  • Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane
  • University of Queensland, Brisbane
  • University of Southern Queensland (USQ), Toowoomba, (Sydney)
  • University of the Sunshine Coast, Maroochydore 
Western Australia
  • Curtin University of Technology, Perth
  • Edith Cowan University (ECU), Perth
  • Murdoch University,Perth
  • University of Notre Dame Australia (UND), Fremantle
  • University of Western Australia (UWA), Perth  
South Australia
  • University of South Australia (UniSA),Adelaide
  • University of Adelaide, Adelaide
  • Flinders University, Adelaide 
  • University of Tasmania (UTas), Hobart 
Northern Territory
  • Charles Darwin University (CDU), Darwin 
Australian Capital Territory
  • University of Canberra, Canberra
  • Australian National University (ANU), Canberra
  • Australian Catholic University (ACU), Brisbane, Sydney, Canbarra, Melbourne
  • Central Queensland University, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Melbourne and Sydney

Why Australia Education

Why Australia Education

Australia has one of thehighest standards of living in the world. It is an English-speaking countrywith a population of about 21.5 million. It is home to people from over 190countries, and at least one in five Australians was born overseas. Culturaldiversity is part of its national identity and is one of Australia’s greateststrengths.

The major reason whystudents choose to study in Australian universities is for its high quality oflifestyle and education. The Australian lifestyle will be hassle-free and morerelaxed. This helps students to enhance their studies without any tension. Anotherreason for choosing Australia is for its cost efficiency. The education andliving expenditure in Australia will be comparatively 40 to 60 percent lessthan that of USA/UK, varying with the location. Among various study courses,Indian students prefer technology and management programs and accountancy inaddition to the management subjects.

Australia is the next'hot' destination after the USA, in terms of numbers, quality and livingconditions. Every year, several thousand students from India (63,604 in 2007)and throughout the world go to Australia, for world-class education, which isrecognized globally and that has top-class and highly ranked universities.Australian universities and training institutions offer a wide range of coursesto met most aspirations and requirements. The curriculum and infrastructure arethe latest while the faculty is up-to-date and progressive in outlook andresult-oriented.

The excellence inEducation, the multicultural background of students, value for money, English speakingcountry and on top of that, Governmental and institution support forinternational students are some other aspects that has made Australia a veryattractive destination for students from all over the world.

One excellent advantagefor Indian students is the similarity between Indian and Australian educationsystems, which are broadly patterned on the British education system.Therefore, it is easier for admission into any level without the hassle ofcredential evaluation, university review of qualifications etc. Also, becauseof flexibility in their education system, students who have completed two yearsof Bachelors/Diploma could enroll directly into the 2ndor 3rdyear of Bachelor'sprogram in Australian institutions. Australian degrees are recognized by theAssociation of Indian Universities for purposes of government employment andfurther education in an Indian university.

Education System in Australia

Education System in Australia

Education System
The education systemin Australia provides top notch opportunities for International studentsseeking world-class academic and individual experience. It provides qualitativeeducation which is highly regarded and widely recognized allover. Australianoffers diverse courses, which covers 12 years of primary and secondaryeducation. There is a vast range of study courses available in Australianeducation, which includes traditional academic programs in addition to thefurther practical and vocational courses.

Primary School
Primary education of Australia is seven years of preliminary courses, wherechildren commence their education at the age of 5 years (Year-1) and will becompleting at the age of 12 (Year-7). This level of education provides generaleducation for the students and gets them ready for a role in society and forthe next level of education.

Secondary School
Students move to secondary school (Year-8) at the age of 12 and it is mandatoryto complete their two years of ‘junior high school’ till the Year-10, afterwhich they have the option to discontinue their education or can pursue theirfurther course of study. Students have to accomplish another 2 years of ‘highschool diploma’ (Year-12). Students leaving their school after ‘junior highschool’ can also go for vocational education course or for apprenticeshiptraining to enter the work force.

Tertiary School
After completingfinal year (Year-12) of secondary school, students head for their higher(Tertiary) education that awards degree for Bachelors, Masters and Doctoralstudies. Mostly students from overseas come for education at this level.Tertiary education in Australia is within the purview of the AustralianQualification Framework (AQF), which aspires to integrate both vocational andhigher education into a solitary classification of tertiary education.

Australia’s higher education offersseveral types of courses that are discussed below:

(a)Vocational Education & Training(VET) 
These courses are offered by TAFE(Technical and Further Education) colleges and other private institutions. Thetenure of VET courses can be one or two years depending on the field of studyand knowledge of employment experience.

Diploma:It is a 1-2 year full timecourse of study that offers high professional qualification. Diploma under AQFis a dual-sector qualification - higher education sector and vocationaleducation & training sector. Diploma of higher education sector is dependedon the selection of the academic program by the functional focus that providesgeneral or specified training for employment at high professional level. Theycan coherent to advanced diploma courses and can provide advanced standing orcredit transfer (usually one year) into a Bachelor Degree program.

Work in Canada

Work in Canada

It is possible to workin Canada while you are a student, and there are opportunities for jobs on andoff campus.

On-campus work
International Students can work on campus at a University in Canada where theystudy without a work permit if they are full time students and have a validstudy permit (Student Visa).

Off-campus work 
To work off-campus while studying, international students should have a validoff-campus work-permit. To qualify, student must be a full-time studentenrolled at a participating publicly funded post-secondary educationalinstitution or in an approved program at an eligible privately fundedinstitution.
Participatingpublicly funded post-secondary educational institutions: 
  • are public post-secondary institutions, such as a college or university or a collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Québec or
  • are private post-secondary institutions that operate under the same rules and regulations as public institutions, and receive at least 50 percent of their financing for their overall operations from government grants (currently only private college-level educational institutions in Québec qualify) and
  • have signed an off-campus work agreement with their provincial or territorial government.
Eligible privately fundedpost-secondary institutions:
  • are located in a province or territory that has signed a memorandum of understanding with CIC
  • have signed an off-campus work agreement with their provincial or territorial government and
  • have approval from their provincial or territorial government to grant specific degrees.
Selection ofPrograms and Institutions is very crucial to ensure that student is eligiblefor Student Work Permit.
At Impel, we ensurethat all our students aspiring to get a Student Work Permit will fulfill therequirement of being a full-time student at Participating Institution.

Co-op andInternship Programs 
Co-op and internship programs give students educationally-related work andlearning experience that integrates theory learned in the classroom withpractical application and skill development on the job.
Co-op programallows students to work fulltime in a field related to their studies. Cooperative education is a valuable system for students to enhance theircurriculum as well as fine tune their career path. It provides academic creditsfor the job experience and also improves future prospects for students.
At Impel, we willguide you in selecting a program which includes Co-op Program to ensure thatyou choose the right path for a better future.
Foreign studentswho wish to participate in a co-op or internship program must apply for a workpermit as well as a study permit.

Work aftergraduation 
If you want to work in Canada after you graduate from your studies, you mustapply for a work permit under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program. ThePost-Graduation Work Permit Program allows students who have graduated from aparticipating Canadian post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadianwork experience.
A work permit underthe Post-Graduation Work Permit Program cannot be valid for longer than thestudent’s study program. For example, if you graduate from a four-year degreeprogram, you could be eligible for a three-year work permit if you meet thecriteria. If you graduate from an eight-month certificate program, you would beeligible for a work permit that is valid for no more than eight months.

Living in Canada

Living in Canada

InternationalStudents in Canada
1.    International studentsin Canada contribute $6.5 billion to Canada’s economy annually.
2.    70,000+international students have enrolled as full-time students in Canadianuniversities in 2008-09
3.    47,000 full-timeinternational students were enrolled in undergraduate programs
4.    Almost 23,000full-time international students were graduate students (18% of the totalgraduate student population)
5.    Top countries oforigin for international students in Canada: 
o    China 15,000
o    United States 7,400
o    France 6,900
o    India 2,800
o    South Korea 2,600

Accommodation forinternational students in Canada

A. Homestays(University Provided Accommodation)
Many Canadian families welcome international students. Homestays offer a morestable and secure environment for younger people coming to study in Canada.
Typically, ahomestay consists of a Canadian family hosting a student in their home whilethe student attends classes in Canada. Meals and a private furnished room areprovided in the home, and the host family welcomes and encourages participationin family and community activities.
Homestays arearranged by the school and students are matched with families who share similarinterests.

B. Residence /Dormitory (University Provided Accommodation)
Many universities have accommodation conveniently located on or near theircampus. Rooms can vary in size and in quality, and many dormitories have sharedkitchens, toilets, showers and laundry facilities.
There is usually anoption of having either a shared or private room, and dormitories are usuallyseparated by gender. In some cases, there are cafeterias and meal plans thatcan be included in the cost of the room. Most dormitories come furnished, andare an ideal way to become involved in campus activities and meet otherstudents.

C. Off-CampusHousing
Renting is an option open to international students coming to Canada. Manystudents share accommodation to keep costs down and usually find places to meettheir needs and preferences.
Many schools offeran off-campus housing service, which can provide affordable listings that arenear the campus. At this service centre, those seeking shared accommodationscan also find roommates. Once on campus, students will often find a variety ofpostings throughout the campus advertising nearby housing, but it is alwaysbest to make arrangements before coming to Canada.
There are differenttypes of places international students can rent in Canada. A house is usuallytoo expensive for one student to rent, but many students share or rent suites(a self-contained unit with a kitchen, toilet, bath and bedroom) within alarger home. Apartments are another option, where one has a kitchen, toilet,bath, and one or two bedrooms. Most rental apartments do not include furnitureor meals. Some, however, include the cost of heat and/or electricity in therent.

Health Insurance inCanada
In Canada, a public health care system covers visits to doctors andspecialists, as well as some hospital stays and medical procedures. Dentalcosts, prescription eye glasses, and non-prescription drugs are not covered andcan be paid for through the purchase of private insurance coverage. Eachprovince administers its own health care system and the requirements forinternational students to access health care will vary from province toprovince.
Overall,international students have access to good health services coverage at anaffordable cost. Health insurance must be arranged before arrival in Canada.Student can purchase health coverage from a private health insurance company orenroll in a university or college health plan. The health coverage requirementsvary from province to province and some provinces provide health coverage plansto international students.