Why Australia Education

Why Australia Education

Australia has one of thehighest standards of living in the world. It is an English-speaking countrywith a population of about 21.5 million. It is home to people from over 190countries, and at least one in five Australians was born overseas. Culturaldiversity is part of its national identity and is one of Australia’s greateststrengths.

The major reason whystudents choose to study in Australian universities is for its high quality oflifestyle and education. The Australian lifestyle will be hassle-free and morerelaxed. This helps students to enhance their studies without any tension. Anotherreason for choosing Australia is for its cost efficiency. The education andliving expenditure in Australia will be comparatively 40 to 60 percent lessthan that of USA/UK, varying with the location. Among various study courses,Indian students prefer technology and management programs and accountancy inaddition to the management subjects.

Australia is the next'hot' destination after the USA, in terms of numbers, quality and livingconditions. Every year, several thousand students from India (63,604 in 2007)and throughout the world go to Australia, for world-class education, which isrecognized globally and that has top-class and highly ranked universities.Australian universities and training institutions offer a wide range of coursesto met most aspirations and requirements. The curriculum and infrastructure arethe latest while the faculty is up-to-date and progressive in outlook andresult-oriented.

The excellence inEducation, the multicultural background of students, value for money, English speakingcountry and on top of that, Governmental and institution support forinternational students are some other aspects that has made Australia a veryattractive destination for students from all over the world.

One excellent advantagefor Indian students is the similarity between Indian and Australian educationsystems, which are broadly patterned on the British education system.Therefore, it is easier for admission into any level without the hassle ofcredential evaluation, university review of qualifications etc. Also, becauseof flexibility in their education system, students who have completed two yearsof Bachelors/Diploma could enroll directly into the 2ndor 3rdyear of Bachelor'sprogram in Australian institutions. Australian degrees are recognized by theAssociation of Indian Universities for purposes of government employment andfurther education in an Indian university.