Why Study in New Zealand

World class LearningInstitutions and World-wide recognition
New Zealand has an international reputation as a provider of quality education.It has a progressive education system with many state of the art facilities. Itoffers a safe learning environment with excellent study opportunities andsupport services for international students.

New Zealand produces topgraduates who can take their place with confidence in the international arenain many disciplines. Sir Ernest Rutherford, who first split the atom, and DrBryan Barrett-Boyes, prominent international heart surgeon, are two examples ofthe caliber of New Zealand graduates.

Endless Study Choices
Education in New Zealand offers an attractive and stimulating academicenvironment. The institutions are diverse in size and location, and offer awide range of general and specialist courses

Courses are available foracademic, professional and vocational studies at New Zealand institutions -universities, polytechnics and institutes of technology, colleges of education,secondary schools and private training establishments.

Safe place to study &High Standards of Living
According to Global Peace Index (GPI), New Zealand is rated the most peacefulcountry in the world. New Zealand has received No.1 ranking on GPI for twoconsecutive years.

New Zealanders are famedfor their friendliness, hospitality and warmth to overseas visitors, and enjoymeeting folk from other cultures. A great variety of recreational and culturalexperiences are available in a country renowned for its natural rugged beauty,yet without any dangerous animals.
New Zealand offers a safeand stable democratic political environment. New Zealand does not have highcrime rates. Police in New Zealand don’t carry guns and instances of corruptionare virtually unheard of. They don’t have abject poverty or hunger, pollution,congestion, health issues and cramped city living that is seen elsewhere.
According to NatWestInternational Personal Banking Quality of Life Index, New Zealand is ranked asa good place to live, work, and study. It was ranked highly on the basis thatit has an affordable cost of living that offers residents a high standard ofliving.