Why Study in Canada

Why Study in Canada

Education system inCanada is Internationally Recognized
Canada has developed a first-rate education system with high standards. ACanadian degree, diploma or certificate is recognized globally as beingequivalent to those from the United States and Commonwealth countries.

Canada is one of the BestPlaces in the World to Live
From safe neighborhoods in some of North America's most cosmopolitan cities totop-notch health care and public transportation, excellence permeates everyaspect of Canadian life - including a world class higher education system. TheUnited Nations has consistently ranked Canada as one of the top three places inthe world to live. Canada earned high marks for its access to education, highlife expectancy, and low crime rates.

Multicultural andWelcoming
Canada has traditionally been a country of immigrants and has a policy ofencouraging multicultural diversity. In fact, one out of three Canadians has anethnic background other than English, French or Aboriginal.

Excellent health care
Compared to other countries, medical insurance is inexpensive in Canada yet theservices that Canadian hospitals provide are among some of the most advancedand accessible in the world.

A Safe Place to Study
Canada is considered to be a relatively peaceful, safe and orderly country.Since the beginning of 1990’s, there has been a consistent drop in crime ratesin Canada.

Work Opportunities inCanada
International students who have graduated from a Canadian university or collegehave the opportunity to work in Canada for up to one year after they receivetheir degree or diploma. International students in Canada can work off-campuswith a work permit.