Singapore Student Visa Guidelines

Singapore Student Visa Guidelines

Upon receivingoffer letter from an institution for the applied course, a student has to applyfor the student pass to enter Singapore. Generally, the institution issuing theoffer letter files applies for the student pass on behalf of the student fromthe Singapore Immigration & Check points Authority (ICA). An applicationfor the student pass has to be submitted to the ICA at least 2 months and notmore than 6 months before the commencement date of the course.
The amount payablefor filing the student pass application (payable to institution offeringadmission) varies from institute to institute.
Documents to besubmitted for filing visa 
  • As all academic documents are submitted to the institute at the time of admission, the student has to submit only the financial documents to file the student pass application.
  • Acceptable financial documents[1] are: 
    • Bank Statement
    • Loan Approval Letter
    • Fixed Deposits
    • Bank Balance certificate (Savings A/C)
  • Funds to be shown – tuition fees + living expenses[2] for 1st year of study
[1] Generally, parents and siblings are the only acceptable sponsors forfinancial purposes. Some private institutions are flexible regarding acceptablesponsors.
[2] Average living expenses per month = SGD 700
Students wouldfirst receive In-Principal Approval (IPA) upon approval of application. IPA issent in the form of a letter from the institution. The student has to pay atuition deposit in the form of a Demand Draft as per the terms and conditionsof the offer letter. The institution will then issue a Letter of acceptance.
The IPA and the letterof acceptance from the institution would allow the student for a single journeyto study in Singapore. Upon landing in Singapore, the student has to undergoMedical check-up at a hospital approved by Immigration.
Student has to fixan E-appointment with the ICA to collect the Visa before he joins the classes.This has to be done within 10 days of landing in Singapore. The student has tosubmit all original academic and financial documents to get the Student Visa atICA.