Student Life & Work in Singapore

Living in Singapore

In many cases, your accommodation will be only minutes from your place ofstudy. Your institution can help you find accommodation before you beginstudying.
Options ofaccommodation available:
  • University – Halls of Residence
  • Private Hostel
  • Public Housing
  • Private Housing
1.    Rental variesdepending on geographical area, demand, facilities provided and the number ofpeople sharing.
2.    Boarding fees coverlodging, meals, laundry, tutorials, pastoral guidance, 24-hour security,recreational facilities, orientation & development programmes.
3.    Public housingrefers to government-subsidised flats developed by the Housing and DevelopmentBoard, commonly called the HDB flats.

 Work in Singapore

Work while studying 
Students are not allowed to work either during term period or vacation whilestudying in Singapore. Students may be granted Work pass exemption under theEmployment of Foreign Manpower (Work Pass Exemptions) Notification duringvacation.
Work during vacation: Foreign students are allowed to work during vacation ifhe/she is registered as a full-time student in an institution approved by theMinistry of Manpower (MOM). All institutions represented by Impel are approvedby the MOM.
Work after graduation 
After completion of studies in Singapore, student can apply for a job searchvisa which is given for 6 months. During this period he/she is eligible to workfull-time in any field until he/she gets a job offer.