Study in Italy

Study in Italy

Didyou know that there are 15 Italian universities that are ranked in the 2010 QSWorld University Rankings? out of which, two are ranked in the Top 200 of theworld. Although Italy is known for its pasta, pizza and gelato, its highereducation system has certainly become worthy of mention in the past. Thiscountry's education structure is strictly evaluated by the Government to ensurethat the legal, budgetary and educational standards are met. There are fivesubjects which draw the attention of international students from all over the world.They are: health, humanities, sciences, social studies and technology. Withstate or private institutes, Italy has more than 50 universities for theaspiring applicants to choose from. Read the following section to gain insightsabout the top universities located in Italy.Top Italian Colleges And Universities
International Rankings
  • The University of Bologna is the highest ranked university in Italy. It also ranks as the 176th best university in the world according to the QS World University Rankings 2010.
  • Sapienza University of Rome is the only other Italian university which is ranked at an impressive 190th rank, internationally.
Given below is a listof Italian Universities which are world famous:
  • University of Bologna
  • Politecnico di Milano
  • Università degli Studi di Milano (UNIMI)
  • Sapienza Università di Rome
  • Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi
  • Marche Polytechnic University
  • University of L'Aquila
  • University of Calabria
  • University of Bari
List of UniversitiesIn Northern Italy
  • Bologna  - Castellanza - Ferrara - Firenze - European University Institute - Genova - Milano Bicocca - Milano Statale - Milano Bocconi - Milano Politecnico - Modena - Padova - Parma - Pisa - Pisa - Scuola Normale Superiore - Pisa - Sant'Anna- Torino – Politecnico - Trieste - Trieste -  International School for Advanced Studies
List of UniversitiesIn Central Italy
  • Ancona - Perugia - University for Foreigners -  Roma - La Sapienza - Roma - Tor Vergata - Roma - Tre - Roma - Luiss - Roma - Pontifical University - Rome - St. John's University - Siena - University for Foreigners - Urbino - Viterbo - L'Aquila
List of UniversitiesIn Southern Italy
  • Bari - Catania - Catanzaro - Napoli Federico II