Education System in Australia

Education System in Australia

Education System
The education systemin Australia provides top notch opportunities for International studentsseeking world-class academic and individual experience. It provides qualitativeeducation which is highly regarded and widely recognized allover. Australianoffers diverse courses, which covers 12 years of primary and secondaryeducation. There is a vast range of study courses available in Australianeducation, which includes traditional academic programs in addition to thefurther practical and vocational courses.

Primary School
Primary education of Australia is seven years of preliminary courses, wherechildren commence their education at the age of 5 years (Year-1) and will becompleting at the age of 12 (Year-7). This level of education provides generaleducation for the students and gets them ready for a role in society and forthe next level of education.

Secondary School
Students move to secondary school (Year-8) at the age of 12 and it is mandatoryto complete their two years of ‘junior high school’ till the Year-10, afterwhich they have the option to discontinue their education or can pursue theirfurther course of study. Students have to accomplish another 2 years of ‘highschool diploma’ (Year-12). Students leaving their school after ‘junior highschool’ can also go for vocational education course or for apprenticeshiptraining to enter the work force.

Tertiary School
After completingfinal year (Year-12) of secondary school, students head for their higher(Tertiary) education that awards degree for Bachelors, Masters and Doctoralstudies. Mostly students from overseas come for education at this level.Tertiary education in Australia is within the purview of the AustralianQualification Framework (AQF), which aspires to integrate both vocational andhigher education into a solitary classification of tertiary education.

Australia’s higher education offersseveral types of courses that are discussed below:

(a)Vocational Education & Training(VET) 
These courses are offered by TAFE(Technical and Further Education) colleges and other private institutions. Thetenure of VET courses can be one or two years depending on the field of studyand knowledge of employment experience.

Diploma:It is a 1-2 year full timecourse of study that offers high professional qualification. Diploma under AQFis a dual-sector qualification - higher education sector and vocationaleducation & training sector. Diploma of higher education sector is dependedon the selection of the academic program by the functional focus that providesgeneral or specified training for employment at high professional level. Theycan coherent to advanced diploma courses and can provide advanced standing orcredit transfer (usually one year) into a Bachelor Degree program.