Student Life in New Zealand

Living in New Zealand
In many cases, your accommodation will be only minutes from your place ofstudy. Your institution can help you find accommodation before you beginstudying.

A. Halls of residence orstudent hostels
These are usually located on campus or nearby, with single or twin rooms. Bedlinen and cleaning are provided. Meals are eaten in a communal dining hall,with special dietary needs catered for. A warden lives on-site and social andsporting activities are organized for residents. Hostels usually have computerlabs and recreation rooms. Some institutions provide self-catering hostelswhere 6 to 8 students have their own bedrooms and share a kitchen and livingroom.

B. Homestay or privateboard
This gets you a room in a suburban house, usually with a garden and lawns. Yourhost family provides meals. Interacting with your host family and meeting theirneighbors and friends is an excellent way to improve your English. Your hostfamily will help you adjust to life in New Zealand. Homestay is not like livingin a hotel. Some ‘give and take’ is expected, as you become part of the family.

C. Renting a house orapartment
Renting a house or flat (apartment) on your own or with other people is called‘flatting’. You choose your own flat mates in accommodation, ranging from atwo-bedroom apartment to a large house on its own land. Most rental propertiesare unfurnished, apart from an oven, a laundry, curtains and carpet. A bond ofup to 4 weeks' rent is held by Tenancy Services and refunded when you move out,if the flat is still in good condition.

D. Finding a rental
The accommodation officeat your tertiary institution will probably have a notice board withadvertisements for flats. Newspaper classifieds list rental properties,especially on Wednesday and Saturdays. There are also several websites thatlist rental accommodation throughout New Zealand.
Health Care
The New Zealand government requires that all international students in NewZealand have an appropriate medical and travel insurance for their entireduration of study in New Zealand.

Students need medicalinsurance to cover all treatments, including doctors, hospitals, ambulance andspecialist students. International students can visit the doctor at the studenthealth center in their institution to get treatment for a very reasonable fee.
Dental Care is notusually included in the Medical Insurance and not provided at the Institution’sStudent Health Center. International students have to visit private dental carepractitioners for dental care problems. It is advisable to take a differentinsurance that covers Dental Care also to avoid huge cost on Dental Caretreatment.
No-fault AccidentCompensation Scheme
New Zealand provides a no-fault personal injury cover to all its citizens andtemporary visitors to New Zealand which includes International Students. Itcovers medical and dental treatment, prescribed medications, X-rays, andsurgery for injuries caused by accidents by anyone at any place. Due to thewide range of help available after injury under this scheme, no one can be suedfor personal injury in New Zealand.