Living in Canada

Living in Canada

InternationalStudents in Canada
1.    International studentsin Canada contribute $6.5 billion to Canada’s economy annually.
2.    70,000+international students have enrolled as full-time students in Canadianuniversities in 2008-09
3.    47,000 full-timeinternational students were enrolled in undergraduate programs
4.    Almost 23,000full-time international students were graduate students (18% of the totalgraduate student population)
5.    Top countries oforigin for international students in Canada: 
o    China 15,000
o    United States 7,400
o    France 6,900
o    India 2,800
o    South Korea 2,600

Accommodation forinternational students in Canada

A. Homestays(University Provided Accommodation)
Many Canadian families welcome international students. Homestays offer a morestable and secure environment for younger people coming to study in Canada.
Typically, ahomestay consists of a Canadian family hosting a student in their home whilethe student attends classes in Canada. Meals and a private furnished room areprovided in the home, and the host family welcomes and encourages participationin family and community activities.
Homestays arearranged by the school and students are matched with families who share similarinterests.

B. Residence /Dormitory (University Provided Accommodation)
Many universities have accommodation conveniently located on or near theircampus. Rooms can vary in size and in quality, and many dormitories have sharedkitchens, toilets, showers and laundry facilities.
There is usually anoption of having either a shared or private room, and dormitories are usuallyseparated by gender. In some cases, there are cafeterias and meal plans thatcan be included in the cost of the room. Most dormitories come furnished, andare an ideal way to become involved in campus activities and meet otherstudents.

C. Off-CampusHousing
Renting is an option open to international students coming to Canada. Manystudents share accommodation to keep costs down and usually find places to meettheir needs and preferences.
Many schools offeran off-campus housing service, which can provide affordable listings that arenear the campus. At this service centre, those seeking shared accommodationscan also find roommates. Once on campus, students will often find a variety ofpostings throughout the campus advertising nearby housing, but it is alwaysbest to make arrangements before coming to Canada.
There are differenttypes of places international students can rent in Canada. A house is usuallytoo expensive for one student to rent, but many students share or rent suites(a self-contained unit with a kitchen, toilet, bath and bedroom) within alarger home. Apartments are another option, where one has a kitchen, toilet,bath, and one or two bedrooms. Most rental apartments do not include furnitureor meals. Some, however, include the cost of heat and/or electricity in therent.

Health Insurance inCanada
In Canada, a public health care system covers visits to doctors andspecialists, as well as some hospital stays and medical procedures. Dentalcosts, prescription eye glasses, and non-prescription drugs are not covered andcan be paid for through the purchase of private insurance coverage. Eachprovince administers its own health care system and the requirements forinternational students to access health care will vary from province toprovince.
Overall,international students have access to good health services coverage at anaffordable cost. Health insurance must be arranged before arrival in Canada.Student can purchase health coverage from a private health insurance company orenroll in a university or college health plan. The health coverage requirementsvary from province to province and some provinces provide health coverage plansto international students.