Work in Canada

Work in Canada

It is possible to workin Canada while you are a student, and there are opportunities for jobs on andoff campus.

On-campus work
International Students can work on campus at a University in Canada where theystudy without a work permit if they are full time students and have a validstudy permit (Student Visa).

Off-campus work 
To work off-campus while studying, international students should have a validoff-campus work-permit. To qualify, student must be a full-time studentenrolled at a participating publicly funded post-secondary educationalinstitution or in an approved program at an eligible privately fundedinstitution.
Participatingpublicly funded post-secondary educational institutions: 
  • are public post-secondary institutions, such as a college or university or a collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Québec or
  • are private post-secondary institutions that operate under the same rules and regulations as public institutions, and receive at least 50 percent of their financing for their overall operations from government grants (currently only private college-level educational institutions in Québec qualify) and
  • have signed an off-campus work agreement with their provincial or territorial government.
Eligible privately fundedpost-secondary institutions:
  • are located in a province or territory that has signed a memorandum of understanding with CIC
  • have signed an off-campus work agreement with their provincial or territorial government and
  • have approval from their provincial or territorial government to grant specific degrees.
Selection ofPrograms and Institutions is very crucial to ensure that student is eligiblefor Student Work Permit.
At Impel, we ensurethat all our students aspiring to get a Student Work Permit will fulfill therequirement of being a full-time student at Participating Institution.

Co-op andInternship Programs 
Co-op and internship programs give students educationally-related work andlearning experience that integrates theory learned in the classroom withpractical application and skill development on the job.
Co-op programallows students to work fulltime in a field related to their studies. Cooperative education is a valuable system for students to enhance theircurriculum as well as fine tune their career path. It provides academic creditsfor the job experience and also improves future prospects for students.
At Impel, we willguide you in selecting a program which includes Co-op Program to ensure thatyou choose the right path for a better future.
Foreign studentswho wish to participate in a co-op or internship program must apply for a workpermit as well as a study permit.

Work aftergraduation 
If you want to work in Canada after you graduate from your studies, you mustapply for a work permit under the Post-Graduation Work Permit Program. ThePost-Graduation Work Permit Program allows students who have graduated from aparticipating Canadian post-secondary institution to gain valuable Canadianwork experience.
A work permit underthe Post-Graduation Work Permit Program cannot be valid for longer than thestudent’s study program. For example, if you graduate from a four-year degreeprogram, you could be eligible for a three-year work permit if you meet thecriteria. If you graduate from an eight-month certificate program, you would beeligible for a work permit that is valid for no more than eight months.