Singapore Education System

Education System in Singapore

Education in Singapore follows thefour-tier model which includes primary schools, followed by secondary schools,pre-tertiary level at Junior Colleges or Polytechnics and tertiary education ata university.
Primary Education
Primary Education in Singapore is free and compulsory Primary education startsat age seven and consists of 2 stages – a four year foundation stage (Primary 1to 4), a two year orientation stage (Primary 5 to 6). At the end of Primary 6,students have to take the national Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE)and are placed in the secondary schools according to performance in the PSLE.
Secondary Education
Based on results of the PSLE, students are placed in different secondaryeducation tracks or streams: "Special", "Express","Normal (Academic)", or "Normal (Technical)".

"Special" and “Express” arefour-year courses leading up to the Singapore-Cambridge GCE O' Levelexamination.
Normal is a four-year course leading upto a Normal-level (N-level) exam, with the possibility of a fifth year followedby an O-level.
Upon completion of the 4- or 5-year secondary school education, students(excluding IP students) will participate in the annual Singaporean GCE 'O'Level, the results of which determine which pre-universities or post-secondaryinstitutions they may apply for.

Pre-university centres include juniorcolleges for a two-year course or Millennia Institute for a three-year course,both leading up to GCE 'A' Level. These institutions emphasize on academicsthan professional technical education. Students who wish to pursue for aprofessional-centred diploma education go on to post-secondary institutionssuch as the polytechnics and the Institute of Technical Education (ITE).
After completion of two-year or three-year courses in Junior Colleges orMillennia Institute, students may go ahead to earn degrees awarded in theUniversities.
Polytechnics in Singapore provide 3-year diploma courses and, they acceptstudents based on their GCE "O" level, GCE "A" level orInstitute of Technical Education (ITE) results.
Polytechnics offer a wide range ofcourses in various fields, including engineering, business studies,accountancy, tourism and hospitality management, mass communications, digitalmedia and biotechnology. There are also specialized courses such as marineengineering, nautical studies, nursing, and optometry. They provide a moreindustry-oriented education as an alternative to junior colleges forpost-secondary studies.
Graduates of polytechnics with goodgrades can continue to pursue further tertiary education at the universities,and many overseas universities, notably those in Australia, New Zealand and theUnited Kingdom.
Institute of Technical Education
The Institute of Technical Education (ITE) accepts students based on their GCE"O" level results and they provide 2-year courses leading to alocally recognised National ITE Certificate (NITEC).
Universities provide both undergraduate education and postgraduate educationand grant academic degrees in a variety of subjects.
Universities accept students after GCE“A” Level or diplomas from Polytechnics.